1- What is the “Cost Estimation Tool”?

Many of those considering travelling abroad know that private dentistry in the UK is not easily affordable. It is advisable to test Dentist4You’s our “cost estimation tool” to check prices. This can help better-known treatment costs, making treatment both affordable and accessible.

2- I am thinking about getting treatment overseas. Is this a good idea?

The benefit of receiving treatment abroad is that we can offer our world-leading facilities and industry-leading dentists at a fraction of the cost of the same treatment in the UK.

We don’t have the same fixed costs as UK dentists which allows our business to offer the same level of medical treatment at significantly reduced prices.

Before embarking on a trip abroad for dental treatment there are several factors to consider. Dentist4You is a UK-based facilitator established under British law to find solutions to your treatment needs by taking all factors into account.
It is important for us to find the best option that you are looking at having the treatment, as well as speaking about it with you here first.

3- What is a Teeth Whitening System?

Teeth Whitening Systems are specially formulated step-by-step processes for whitening your teeth that can be done in the comfort of your home or done professionally by your dentist in their clinic. Each System has it’s own unique combination of things to do and apply to your teeth to get whiter teeth. They can also be special-purpose and only be suitable for patients with certain types of teeth or particular dental health conditions. Dentist4You will help to you while choosing the best Teeth Whitening Systems for your needs.

4- What is a dental crown?

Whether they are called dental crowns, dental caps or tooth caps, damaged, broken or worn-down teeth are covered by a crown, as a way to strengthen the teeth and improve their cosmetic appearance. Dental crowns are made from a wide range of materials, including ceramics, porcelain, gold or a combination of metals which have been fused to a porcelain shell. The all-ceramic or all-porcelain crowns have a natural look and are indistinguishable from natural teeth.

Some of the reasons you may require a crown are:

  • Teeth grinding
  • Accident or injury
  • Aesthetic
  • Root canal surgery
  • Significant fracture
  • Large filling
  • Severe decay

Expert dentists of Dentist4You will help you if any needs for the dental crown.

5- What are porcelain crowns?

Porcelain crowns are made from dental porcelain that is shaped to replicate the appearance of a natural tooth. Porcelain crowns are strong and resilient; although they do age just likely your regular teeth and can need repairs or replacement if they become too damaged with time. The porcelain crown often replaces a whole external section of a tooth all the way down to the level of the gum.

6- Why are crowns more expensive than fillings?

A crown is more complicated than a filling. The materials used in creating a crown and the associated laboratory fees make them more expensive. Your Dentist4You dentist will require two or three visits to reduce the size of the existing tooth and make a mould. Your dentist will fit a temporary crown and finally, the permanent crown will be secured in place.

7- What is a bridge?

A dental bridge is a replacement for missing teeth. If you have lost any teeth, you may have been left with a series of unsightly gaps. If the gaps are not filled with replacement teeth then there is a risk of bone loss (bone resorption), which can impact your facial appearance. A bridge can prevent bone loss, gum disease or decay caused by the presence of food debris in the gap created by the missing tooth, and it will relieve pressure on the teeth either side of the gap.

Dentist4You dental bridge can give you a natural-looking appearance as well as resolve any bite problems that you may have.

8- Can I change the shape of my teeth?

Yes. Many of the new modern dental procedures allow people to change the shape their teeth for cosmetic reasons and not just because they have problems like decay or broken teeth.

9- What treatment options are there for changing the shape of my teeth?

There are several different treatment options that can be used to help you get the look and shape for your teeth that you prefer. Whether you’d like your teeth to be a little longer, have smaller spaces between your teeth or to repair and cover up chips.

  • Dental Bonding: The first option is Dental Bonding. With Dental Bonding, your teeth can be reshaped to make them longer, if your teeth are short or wider if there are gaps between your teeth.
  • Dental Crowns: Another option is to have Dental Crowns, sometimes also known as Caps. Once treatment is complete it is only the crown that is visible; your tooth is completed covered right up into the gum line.
  • Dental Veneers: Veneers are wafer-thin and custom-made shells that cover your tooth – usually only applied to your front visible teeth. Veneers are bonded to your teeth and can be made to alter the shape of your teeth and the look of your smile.
  • Dental Recontouring: The last option, is something that cannot be reversed or undone and it is recontouring (also called reshaping, Odontoplasty, Enameloplasty, stripping, or slenderizing).

10- What is Orthodontics?

Specialising in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of dental and facial irregularities, orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with problems relating to your ‘bite’ or ‘malocclusion’. If your teeth are crooked or misaligned or if your mouth is overcrowded by your teeth, you need some form of corrective device; an appliance, such as braces, to move the teeth and/or jaws into an ideal position.

Dentist4You clinics always have an orthodontist specialist.

11- Who can benefit from Orthodontics?

Many more adults and young people who have problems with their ‘bite’ or have crooked teeth or an overcrowded mouth are choosing to have their dentist refer them to an orthodontist who can correct the problem. Although, success is still more likely in a child or teenager than in an adult. The corrective process just takes a little longer in an adult than in a child.

12- What is the Orthodontic treatment Process?

Treatment starts with the initial diagnosis by the orthodontist who will take x-rays and an ‘impression’ of your teeth to provide a precise idea of the correction needed. The impression, of your teeth is used to create a plaster cast which is the blueprint of your brace.

There are two stages to the treatment: (1) The fitting of a brace, (2) The retainer

13- When is a person too old to have Orthodontics?

For getting your teeth straightened with orthodontics, or newer teeth straightening systems like Invisalign, age is not the main factor. What is most important is how healthy your teeth, gums and supporting bones are in your mouth. The one factor that can prevent a person from having orthodontic treatments is the prolonged and frequent use of bone density medications. In these situations, careful examination and specialist consultants with an Orthodontist will be required to determine the harm and risk factors.

14- What is Invisalign or “Hollywood Smile”?

This is a relatively new approach to teeth straightening that has been popularised by Hollywood celebrities. Often called invisible braces, the Invisalign teeth straighten system makes use of a series of transparent, clear retainers (you can think of a retainer as being like a snug-fitting mouth guard). The Invisalign system is best suited to adults where the teeth are all fully formed. Dentist4You clinic works with experts in dental cosmetics.

15- What is a denture?

If for whatever reason, you are unlucky enough to have lost all or some of your teeth, you will need dentures to replace them; you may have a full denture (replacing all the teeth), or a partial denture (replacing some of your teeth). You usually only remove your dentures for cleaning. Dentures are not to be confused with a crown or bridge. Full dentures and partial dentures are plates the wearer can remove and replace as they choose. A bridge or a crown cannot be removed – it is cemented in place.

16- How are you fitted for a denture?

As with all dental procedures, have your dentist do a thorough dental check-up. Full dentures need an examination of the mouth and a health assessment of the gums. You will have a check-up at your dentist’s, which includes a full examination of your teeth, gums and other soft tissues of your mouth, for a partial denture. X-rays will be taken to make sure the teeth are healthy, and strong enough to support a denture. This is followed by teeth impressions, bite records, some trial wax insertions and finally, the insertion and instructions.

17- What are veneers?

Veneers are thin, tooth-coloured porcelain or glass/plastic layers fixed onto the front of your teeth that can be a suitable option if you have teeth with gaps, that are stained, discoloured, broken or chipped, crowded-in or crooked, oddly-shaped or badly-aligned.

18- What types of veneers are there?

There are two types of veneers; Porcelain Veneers and Composite Resin Veneers. Porcelain veneers are made and bonded to your teeth. Resin veneers are put directly on your teeth. Both are designed to cover the front side of your teeth. Both are intended to fit your mouth and your smile to look natural. Caring for veneers is the same as cleaning natural teeth.

19- What is a dental implant?

A dental implant is structured on a thin, metal rod, usually made from titanium; this is buried in the bone and acts an artificial tooth root by forming an attachment for a replacement tooth. Following insertion into the bone, it is left in the gum tissue to heal. When healing is complete, it is uncovered; a small metal post is connected and that is what secures and supports the artificial tooth.

The length of time it takes for dental implant treatments depends on the type of bone and the location of the tooth; it can take from a few months to over 9 months. The time-frame will be lengthened if bone grafting or bone growth is needed.

20- Is everyone suitable for a dental implant?

Not necessarily. There are a variety of conditions that can cause problems – alcoholism, uncontrolled diabetes and some psychiatric disorders.

21- What are the benefits of dental implants?

Dental implants can always be considered as an option to replace one tooth, or several teeth, or all your teeth. If you wear full or partial dentures or a bridge, dental implants may well be suitable for you and are worth investigating. Your dentist will be able to advise whether or not dental implants are suitable for your situation.

  • They are a permanent solution to missing teeth.
  • In appearance, feel and function, they are identical to your natural teeth.
  • They restore your bite by stopping the remaining teeth on either side of the space moving and rotating.
  • They restore the ability to chew food properly.
  • The appearance of your smile improves.
  • They can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and premature aging.
  • They help retain bone structure.
  • They restore normal function, comfort, aesthetics, speech, and health.

22- How many visits to the Dentist do I need for Dental Implants?

In the best case scenario, when you have good oral hygiene and your case is simple, it can take as few as two visits to your dentist to perform the treatment and place your dental implants.

23- How long will my Dental Implants last?

How long your implants will last depend on your oral hygiene routine and overall health. When both are good, your dental implants can last up to 15 years. People with inherited dental issues may need the assistance of regular oral hygiene appointments with a Dental Hygienist to help you keep on top of things with your oral health.

24- What is Aesthetic Dentistry?

Aesthetic Dentistry sometimes also called Cosmetic Dentistry are the treatments and procedures people choose that improve the appearance of their teeth and smile. These may give the person a subtle change to improve some small aspect of their smile they don’t like, like repairing a chipped tooth or a major restoration where the individuals entire smile is changed. Often the improvements the person gets are deeper than just changing the cosmetic appearance of their teeth, they can positively impact oral health, improve jaw or muscle alignment (such as when braces are used to change your bite and teeth positions) as well as giving individuals back confidence where it may have been lost.

25- Which aesthetic procedure is right for me?

Discovering what the right procedures are for you, will need you to consult your Dentist. The condition of your teeth right now and what result you want to achieve help your dentist to diagnose what can be done for you and determine the treatments that will work best for you.

When you consult Dentist4You dentist you’ll want to ask a few questions of your own to help you decide which of the options you’re presented with will fit in with your lifestyle.

26- What will I do if complications occur after treatment?

Many people who are going abroad are wanting more advanced procedures which are more likely to result in complications. No matter how skilled the clinician is, there is always a risk of complications after dental procedures whether in the UK or in an overseas country. If complications do arise once you are home, it will not always be easy to return to the clinic which provided the treatment, especially if there is an infection. Your insurance may not cover the travel costs involved in returning to the clinic. Dentist4You cover all costs of complications related to dental procedures.

27- What are the NHS dental charges?

In the UK, dentistry is one of the few NHS services where you have to pay a contribution towards the cost of your care. This means that there are now three standard charges for the NHS for dental treatment. This will help to make the NHS system easier and more accessible for patients.

28- Will I encounter a language barrier during my dental treatment procedures?

It is always important for your clinician to be able to contact you and explain the treatment provided and post-operative care recommendations. Your dentist needs to know exactly what you want, and you need to fully understand your dentist’s directions. Your dentist will be fluent in English so that you do not experience problems arising from communication difficulties, and we, as Dentist4You, will have a native English translator available to assist you in the clinic during the treatment process.

29- What are the standards and ethical approaches?

Different countries have different concepts of aesthetic beauty. For example, in the USA very white and even teeth are thought attractive, whereas in the UK people prefer a more natural smile. There are also varying clinical standards and while in the UK, dentists are more likely to save a tooth, in some countries, dentists may be more ready to extract. A dentist, who is a member of the ethics and moral values commission (Disciplinary Commission) of the Istanbul Chamber of Dentists, works as a manager in the clinic of Dentist4You, which provides dental treatment services.

30- How do I make a complaint about my dental care?

If you are unhappy with your dental treatment, the first thing to do is always approach to us about your dental practice with your concerns. This can either be done by telephone or letter. Explain your concerns and what you would like the ideal solution to be. In most cases you will be able to solve the problem together with your dentist. 

If you are still not happy, you might need to seek a second opinion from another dentist for which they may make a charge.